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lovely home


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Our beautiful collection of elegant wood pendulum clocks make a wonderful addition to every home.


Our collection of stunning split canvas art sets are the perfect addition to any room.


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About Us

what our customers say

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This clock is perfect for our living room. Classic styling, a bit old-fashioned, but not too much. Soothing, barely audible tick tock. No chimes. Numbers, not Roman numerals. Wood, not plastic. Some have complained the pendulum hits the box. Mine did at first, but I made a slight adjustment in the balance, and it quit. It hangs ever so slightly out of square now, but not enough to notice - and I'm fussy about that. Customer service is terrific, too. Personal attention is a rare treat. Love this clock and the company which sells it.




about us

It all started years ago, when our family company expanded to include us (the kids), who were now old enough to partake in the joint venture!


We have a love for art, aesthetics and good quality products that make a difference in people's lives. We worked at finding products that we are passionate about and would love to see in every home - hence - Lovely Home Essentials was born. 


We worked tirelessly to ensure we provide the best quality products with high quality materials, great attention to detail and great care for customer service. 


We hope you'll feel the same way! Enjoy browsing our selections!


Best wishes from all of us!

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